Direct Payment

At Kainos Garden, as a small family-run business, we may take a few days to process each order to ensure everything is correct and up to our standards. Please make sure your contact information is accurate when placing an order, as this helps us to communicate efficiently should any issues arise. For any inquiries or updates to your details, feel free to contact us. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

When opting for a direct bank transfer as your payment method, please follow these steps to ensure your transaction is processed efficiently:

  1. Bank Details: Make your payment directly into our designated bank account. The account details will be provided at the checkout and in your order confirmation email.
  2. Payment Reference: It is crucial to use your Order ID as the payment reference when making the transfer. This assists us in matching your payment to your order promptly and accurately.
  3. Processing of Orders: Orders paid for by direct bank transfer are not considered final until the funds have fully cleared in our bank account. Please be aware that depending on your bank, this process may take several business days.
  4. Confirmation of Payment: Once your payment has cleared, we will confirm the receipt via email, and your order will then be prepared for shipping.
  5. Shipping: Your order will not be shipped until the payment has been confirmed as received in our account. We will notify you once your order is dispatched.
  6. Non-payment: If payment is not received within 7 business days, your order may be cancelled. We encourage you to communicate with us if there are any issues or delays in making the payment.

We recommend keeping a copy of your transfer receipt in case it is needed for verification purposes. If you have any questions regarding your payment or order status, please contact our customer service team at [email protected].

This policy ensures transparency and security in transactions, providing both parties with assurance and clarity throughout the purchasing process.

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