
Decorative Face

Nothing like a friendly face to cheer you up in the morning. Maybe this face is not quite so but the effect that it brings will definitely give you the gracious calming effect you desire. A garden is a place of tranquillity, where chaos and calm meet. Whether it be a well manicured modern garden, or a more curvy old school landscape, there is always a place for peace.


Length: Male: 1.10m, Female: 1.0m


In our modern lifestyle, there is a mixture of cultures and tastes, likes and dislikes, do’s and dont’s. Luckily, we get to choose. We offer a couple of different options, colours and finishes to suit your specific landscape setup. Its funny how most of us want peace, but we are willing to fight for it. Our garden is a place where we go to to find that peace, that tranquillity away from the noise. That peace is vital for us to recharge, and take on all lifes challenges.

Contact us for advice on any landscaping conundrum you might have, we are willing to offer all our expertise to help you create your piece of heaven.

Unique, concrete-cast garden statuary that will make your garden stand out! Explore our face collection and more.

Additional information


Male, Female


White wash, Dark, Rusty